

Gift Theory

[Townsend, J.][Townsend, A.] Townsend, J. G. and A. R. Townsend (2004). 'Accountability, motivation and practice: NGOs North and South'. Social and Cultural Geography 5(2): 271-284. The vast cheapening and acceleration of communication bet…

[McNamara, N.][Morse, S.] McNamara, N. and S. Morse (2004). ‘Voices from the aid ‘chain’: the personal dynamics of care’. Social and Cultural Geography 5(2): 253-270. This paper uses a simplified model of the aid 'chain' to explore some ca…

[Silk, J.] Silk, J. (2004). 'Caring at a distance: Gift Theory, aid chain and social movement'. Social and Cultural Geography 5(2): 229-251. According to Gift Theory, somebody must structure relationships which eliminate asymmetry between …