

  • Nurmi, R. and U. Udo-Aka (1980). 'Management Research for Management Development in a Developing Country: A Model and a Case'. Management International Review 20(2): 90.

In Nigeria's Centre for Management Development (CMD), research into management development is conducted to promote development efforts. The CMD uses a model of knowledge utilization in management development. Management research provides the knowledge for the demands of management practice and draws on methods and theories from other disciplines, like economics.Fundamental research develops management theory and serves as a basis for future long-run applications. Applied research is used to quickly solve pressing problems. It can be subdivided into descriptive studies which statistically represent a sample of organizations, contract research that describes a specific company, and action research which directs the process of change in a specific company. The preceding is then used in management development work to develop new intangible products like training programs, management consulting services, etc.