

  • Strunk, G., M. Schiffinger, et al. (2004). "Lost in Transition? Complexity in Organisational Behaviour - the Contributions of Systems Theories**." Management Revue 15(4): 481.

This paper tries to contribute to potential development areas in Organisational Behaviour (OB) in terms of theoretical foundations and research methods by pursuing 3 goals: 1. The paper presents the basic concepts of a theory family holding promises to remedy some of the deficiencies in OB diagnosed. 2. It describes some methods used within the scope of these theoretical concepts. 3. It demonstrates the potential usefulness of these theoretical concepts and methods by applying them to empirical research in the area of managerial careers. The "common denominator" of the threefold purpose of this paper is the focus on the complexity of systems which is an integral part of many OB phenomena at all levels of analysis. Trying to be innovative in science is always linked with risks: what is innovative in one field may be yesterday's wisdom in another, the standards for evaluating the degree of innovation vary between different observers, or the innovation ultimately does not lead to new insight.