

[Keenoy, T.]

  • Keenoy, T. (1999). 'HRM as hologram: A polemic'. The Journal of Management Studies 36(1):1-23.

The polemical argument developed is an attempt to analyze the problem of HRM and suggest a way forward. The problem is identified in terms of the intrinsic conceptual-theoretic, empirical, representative and institutional ambiguities which characterize the discourses and practices of HRM. It is argued that these stem from the epistemological limitations of modernist methodologies employed to identify and fix HRM. The proposed solution involves visualizing the phenomenal forms taken by HRM through the metaphor of the hologram and re-understanding HRM from a holographic perspective. This permits the well-known contradictions to dissolve and HRM is reconstituted as a complex holistic process refracting the politico-managerial changes attendant on globalization.