

AU - Ralph M Criss, R. M. (2005). 'Five Best Practices for Government Contractors: Adding Value One Step at a Time'. Contract Management 45(10): 22.
Recognizing and reacting to change is a part of the contracting profession. Sweeping re-organizations and broad-based training programs are often implemented not in response to a rational approach to something new in the acquisition process but because there is lack of attention to the incremental nature of change. Best practices are a way of adding value to work. Here are five practical suggestions on what will improve performance: 1. planning for contract closeout, 2. getting paid by the client or prime, 3. paying contractors and subcontractors, 4. monitoring subcontract and self-performance, and 5. monitoring client performance. Change is inevitable and the pace of change ever quickens. Keeping abreast of change is recognizing the small changes and making incremental adjustments. One of the ways to pulse incremental change is to recognize best practices as they occur and look at them in context of were the company is headed in the mid and long term.